October 31st - November 13th, 2022
Visual Engineering and Robots
Visual Engineering and Robots
11/10/22, 1pm CST & 11/11/22, 7am CST
About this Session
New Products Release! Visual Engineering and High-speed Cinematography We've all seen the ice and drink crashing into the glass in slo-mo and the hamburger pieces perfectly falling into place, but how do they capture such eye candy? In this session, we're going to announce an exciting new product and then bring in our partners at 8183 Productions to answer this question. About SISU Cinema Robotics: www.sisucinemarobotics.com SISU Cinema Robotics is an innovator and leader in the film and photography industry. SISU debuted its first system in 2019 and through its progressive product development, advanced SISU Lab software, and engineering-driven business model its cinema robots are used around the world for everything from blockbuster films to tabletop studio shoots. Cinema robots can be complicated and intimidating, but SISU Cinema Robotics knows they don't have to be - and with a team of engineers, SISU’s cinema robots feature intuitive, hand-guided motion controls and programming technology not available anywhere else. If you want to know more about SISU Cinema Robotics, please contact them: sales@sisu.us
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