October 31st - November 13th, 2022
The Chaos ShowTime Table
Dec 11 - Dec 17

Chrosziel professional camera accessories – An Overview
Outfitting Your Cine Camera & Lens with Chrosziel
11/7/22, 7pm GMT & 11/11/22 7pm GMT
From our humble beginnings with Alfred Chrosziel making his own camera accessories to solve problems he was having on set, to today where Chrosziel is an international player in the Cinema and Broadcast market, we have always maintained the highest quality in camera and lens supports and accessories. From camera base plates to follow-focus to matte boxes, Chrosziel products have been reliably helping cinematographers create their artistic vision for decades. Join use to see the latest generation of equipment to help you create your own vision.
Presenter: Michael Burnham

TP7II Lens Test Projector
Find out why the Chrosziel TP7 is the industry standard lens test projector
11/8/22, 7pm GMT & 11/11/22 9am GMT
For decades Chrosziel has made some of the highest quality, standard baring lens equipment. All that experience and some out of the box thinking lead us to create the TP7-II lens test projector. Come join us for a walk through the benefits of using the TP7 and a discussion about the future of our lens test equipment.
Presenter: Timm Stemann

Visual Engineering and High-speed Cinematography
11/10/22, 1pm CST (6pm GMT) & 11/11/22, 7am CST (12pm GMT)
We've all seen the ice and drink crashing into the glass in slo-mo and the hamburger pieces perfectly falling into place, but how do they capture such eye candy? In this session, we're going to announce an exciting new product and then bring in our partners at 8183 Productions to answer this question.

ARRI Hi-5 focus pullers meetup
11/11/22, 6pm GMT
This session will be the perfect chance for you to learn from a number of career focus pullers and to discuss and share your ARRI ECS experience with users around the globe.
We'll start with a round table session where several experienced users will break down their favorite Hi-5 setups and detail some of their most challenging and interesting on-set experiences. Your participation will be essential: we'd love to you ask questions and to share your own stories.
Podium participants:
Ambar B Capoor - Focus Puller/Camera Technician and Hi-5 owner
Brian Aichlmayr - 1st AC and Hi-5 owner
Jim McLean - 1st AC and Hi-5 owner
Laird Pierce - Focusbug Designer/Director and 1st AC
Michael Best - ARRI ECS Product Expert
Tobias Frischmuth - ARRI ECS Product Manager

Chrosziel’s Zoomer
Maintain professional zoom control during run-and-gun with the Zoomer Z2
11/10/22, 6pm GMT & 11/11/22, 12am GMT
The learn how the Chrosziel Zoomer Z2 is the perfect solution to using to getting professional zooming movement when using still photos lenses such as the Sony G-Masters and other with FX series cameras.

REAL LIVE EVENT - Showcasing Focus Pulling Tools For A 1st AC With CVP
11/08/22, 11/09/22, 11/10/22, each: 10:00am - 5:30pm GMT
Join this informative and interactive hands-on event as we explore the latest tools, equipment, and techniques for Camera Assistants / Focus Pullers of all levels. As the performance and accuracy of your tools are crucial, we have created a unique showcase offering an environment to test and compare the most popular range of solutions with an opportunity to debate and discuss with your peers as well as our independent Technical Consultants.
There will be a wide range of equipment available from ARRI, Preston, Cmotion, RED, Teradek, SmallHD, and many more. CVP Technicians, as well as technical representatives from many of the brands represented, will be on hand to talk through the different configurations as well as the pros and cons of each piece of kit which will include:
Follow Focuses
Range Finders
Wireless Video Transceivers
And more…
The day will also consist of highly informative seminars from industry representatives who will share their experiences on set.
*This event is suitable for experienced crew members as well as those starting out in this field
Seminars will be running throughout the days, and will be updated shortly!